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Adult Education

We offer a variety of stimulating, challenging, and accessible opportunities for adult learning including ongoing congregational learning,  weekly classes, and individual learning opportunities.

Ongoing LearningClassesIndividual Learning Reading Groups

Ongoing Learning Projects

One Book, One Rodfei Zedek book selection for the year Read More
This American Shabbat text study with Rabbi Minkus Read More
Our journal of ideas: To Learn and To Teach Read More
Read Additional Writings by our Congregants Read More

Weekly and Periodic Classes

Talmud Study

Rabbi Larry Edwards leads a half hour of Talmud study each week following Monday morning minyan and ending by 9:00.  Beginners are welcome, as are those who have studied Talmud in the past.  English is the language of instruction.  No registration needed.


Text Study Group (monthly)

We  meet at members' homes about once a month. Group members take turns preparing for each session with issues for discussion and background information. The group originated with studying the Shabbat service text and has  moved on to study non‑prayer texts like the Books of Esther, Ecclesiastes, and Daniel, Ruth, Psalms, and Proverbs.  For further information, contact Shirley Holbrook at sholbro_at_icloud_dot_com.

Individual Learning

Increase your skills

in Tefilah (prayer) participation and leading, or in Torah and haftarah reading.  Contact Cantor Rosenberg if you are interested in learning together in a group or individually.


Adult B-Mitzvah

It’s never too late!  Contact Cantor Rosenberg to coordinate the preparation based on your current skill level and to schedule a date for the service and celebration.


Teachers Wanted

Do you have knowledge about Jewish culture, history, thought, or practice that you would like to share?  Teach a class at CRZ!  Your course can be one afternoon or multiple sessions, based on text study or some other form of engagement (cooking, painting, dancing, singing…whatever your imagination and skills suggest). Contact the rabbi or cantor to suggest a course.

Reading Groups

One Book, One Rodfei Zedek

Our One Book, One Rodfei Zedek program is meant to stimulate conversations, both formal and informal.  Each fall the congregation votes on a book to read and learn from together for the year.


Non-Fiction Chavurah

Non-Fiction Chavurah meets about every other month at the home of a group member.  Books have included:

Michael Oren's Power, Faith and Fantasy:  America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present; 

Simcha Weinstein's Up, Up, and Oy Vey!:  How Jewish History, Culture, and Values Shaped the Comic Book Superhero; 

Abraham Joshua Heschel's God in Seach of Man

New participants welcome.  Contact the office for information.


Morning Book Club

The Morning Book Club meets most months on Zoom.   New members and visitors are welcome.


Additional Resources

Jewish Book Council | Book Clubs | National Jewish Book Award Winners


Tue, September 17 2024 14 Elul 5784