The Season of Our Rejoicing
→Sukkot | Shemini Atzeret | Simchat Torah
Ufros Aleinu Sukkat Sh'lomecha. ופרוש עלינו סוכת שלומיך
SUKKOT - Feast of Tabernacles - September 29-October 6, 2023
Festival Services
Saturday, September 30 | 9:15 am (Hybrid service)
Sunday, October 1 | 9:30 am (Unplugged service)
Sukkah Hop 2023 - Sunday, October 1, 2023
Visit your neighborhood sukkot. Schedule and hosts TBA
Sukkot Tailgate - Sunday, October 15, 2023
Sukkot is the festival of hospitality, but it’s also the epitome of a Midwesterner’s good time. Sukkot encourages all the best things about camping and tailgating, two recreational activities we excel at. The festival of Sukkot commands us to spend as much time as possible in this makeshift home that allows us to experience the elements of the outdoors - we can eat, hang out, and even sleep in the sukkah. We are also commanded to welcome our neighbors and friends into our Sukkah.
Join us for a Midwestern Sukkot tailgate at Akiba-Schechter to play lawn games, enjoy grilled cheese and tater tots from the infamous Cheesie's food truck, and sip beer. Bring friends and family, and take a moment to slow down, appreciate the joy of being together, and embrace the spirit of hospitality and generosity that Sukkot teaches us. No sports games, tickets, TVs, or tents required for this celebration of fall!
Please register for this event.
SHEMINI ATZERET - Eighth Day of Assembly
Saturday, October 7
9:30 a.m. – Festival Service
11:15 a.m. – Yizkor Memorial Service
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom
SIMCHAT TORAH - Day of Celebrating the Torah
We follow the reflection and introspection of the High Holidays with joyful celebration of the gift of the Torah as a guide for our days.
Erev Simchat Torah, Saturday, October 7
We will enjoy dinner as a community from 5:30-6:15 pm. Stay to enjoy two hakafot opportunities:
6:15-7:15 pm - Family Hakafot
We will be joined by Cantor Rachel and Chuck Rosenberg and other musicians for a ruach-filled evening!
7:15 -8:15 pm Masorti Hakafot
Join us in the Sanctuary or over Zoom.
Sunday, October 8 - Simchat Torah
9:30 a.m. - Festival services with Torah reading and hakafot
Physical Location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom