Ensure Our Strength
Your generous financial support ensures the strength and vitality of our religious, educational, and community programs.
Below are your most impactful ways to give.
Click here for payment portal for donations, Terumah, and other payments.
Kiddush lunch complements our celebration of Shabbat, enabling us to enjoy the company of both old and new friends following services. It is a blessing that strengthens community, encouraging thoughtful, lively conversation. We welcome our members to come for the mitzvah of JFK - Just For Kiddush.
If you are celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or the simple joy of being together, we hope you'll consider underwriting a Kiddush through our Adopt-A-Shabbat program.
If you are celebrating a larger milestone or event and are wanting to host lunch for both the CRZ community and additional guests, we invite you to participate in our Simcha Sponsorship program.
Please click here to view our sponsorship tier and menu options.
Kol Nidre Appeal
The Kol Nidre Appeal forms the core of Congregation Rodfei Zedek's annual fundraising. It is the congregation's sole request, outside of Terumah, for general operating support. The appeal begins between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and continues throughout the year.
Members can establish enduring memorials for beloved departed ones. Options include an annual listing in High Holy Days Book of Life, and a permanent memorial plaque with annual yahrzeit notifications. You can also make a yahrzeit contribution at the anniversary of your loved one’s death.
We accept bequests and gifts designated to the Endowment. These funds bolster the financial foundation on which we depend year to year.
Contact the office for more information (773.752.2770).
Vintage tzedakah box
The history of our vintage tzedakah box