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High Holy Days 2024 // 5785

Service Schedule | Service Descriptions | Guest Ticket Information


We are committed to providing a variety of ways for our community to participate in this year’s High Holy Days. We hope to see you in person, but we will also continue to live-stream all of our services, so if you would prefer to join from home, please keep your eye on our newsletters as we get closer to the holidays for all the information on how to access services online. 

Our High Holy Day Services

Our services are hybrid this year, meaning that you can join us in-person or remotely for services! 
*All times are reflective of Central Standard Time


Wednesday, October 2
Rosh Hashanah Eve    

6:00 p.m - Rosh Hashanah Eve
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary 
Virtual location: Zoom 

Thursday, October 3
Rosh Hashanah Day I

8:45 a.m. - Masorti Service
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom 

9:30 a.m. - Na’aseh V’Nishma
Physical location: CRZ Chapel 
Virtual location: YouTube

10:30 a.m. - Minyan Katan (ages 0-4)
Physical location: Mandel Room 
Virtual location: none 

11:30 a.m. - Sermon

Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom

12:15 p.m., or after the sermon - Study Session w/ Dan Libenson

Physical Location: CRZ Chapel
Virtual location: Zoom 

5:00 p.m - Taschlich at 51st St. Beach
Physical location: 51st St. Beach
Virtual location: None 

6:00 p.m. - Evening Service
Physical location: Chapel
Virtual location: Zoom 

Friday, October 4
Rosh Hashanah Day II

8:45 a.m. - Masorti Service

Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary 
Virtual location: Zoom 

10:30 a.m. - Minyan Katan
Physical location: Loeb Room (209)
Virtual location: None 

11:15 a.m. - Sermon

Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom

11:45 a.m., or after the sermon - Study Session w/ Sheila Jelen 

Physical location - CRZ Library

Virtual location: None

Friday, October 11
Kol Nidre

5:55 p.m. - Kol Nidre
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom

Saturday, October 12
Yom Kippur Day

9:15 a.m. - Masorti Service
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom

10:30 a.m. - Minyan Katan (ages 0-5)
Physical location: Mandel Room
Virtual location: None 

11:00 a.m. - Minyan Gadol (age 6+)
Physical location: CRZ Chapel
Virtual location: None 

12:15 p.m. - Sermon, followed by Yizkor
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom

12:30 p.m., or following the sermon -

Teen Discussion with Rabbi Minkus

Physical Location: Library

12:45 p.m., or after Yizkor - Study Session w/ Dan Libenson

Physical Location: CRZ Chapel
Virtual location: Zoom 

4:00 p.m. - Mincha Service
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom 

5:00 p.m. - Ne’ilah
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom

6:15 p.m. - Kids’ Ne’ilah
Physical location: CRZ Chapel
Virtual location: None 

7:05 p.m. - Shofar Blast for Everyone
Physical location: CRZ Sanctuary
Virtual location: Zoom 

Service Descriptions

Programs & Services

Selichot | During the month of Elul, the shofar is sounded each weekday morning, awakening us to the period of reflection on the past year and helping us to begin the process of teshuvah (returning) as the New Year approaches. The Selichot service on Saturday night, September 9, extends that period of reflection. 


Tashlich | Tashlich will be held on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, Monday, September 26 at 5 pm. The term, Tashlich, is the first word of Micah 7:19, You (O God) will hurl (tashlich) all our sins into the depths of the sea. Join us at 51st St Beach at 5 pm. We will provide bird seed to throw into the water to symbolize our desire to cast away our sins (in an environmentally-friendly way!). 


Masorti Service | Uplifting music, thoughtful prayer, and opportunities for learning and reflection. Rabbi David Minkus, Jonathan Miller, and the High Holy Day Choir will daven on Yom Kippur. Cantor Rachel Rosenberg will join Rabbi David Minkus on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, on Yom Kippur, and throughout the holidays. 


Na'aseh V'Nishma | The first day of Rosh Hashanah features the more contemporary Na'aseh V'Nishma service with musical instruments, readings, and other approaches to the season. Led by Cantor Rachel Rosenberg and accompanied by a superb ensemble of musicians, including talented members of our community, we will raise our voices in communal singing and prayer as we expand upon our High Holiday experience in different ways. Geared toward adults, teens, and older children. 


For Our Youth

Minyan Katan | Songs, prayer, and stories geared toward children 0-5 years old and their families. 


Minyan Gesher | Our new service offering for children 5-9 years old and their families, led by our Executive Director, Aaron Frankel.


Minyan Gadol | On Yom Kippur morning we offer an experience especially designed for families with school-aged children. If your children would like to participate through a reading, leading a prayer, or a Torah reading, please email Cantor Rachel Rosenberg at before September 1. All ages are welcome to join us! 


Teens | Rabbi Minkus will meet with our Rodfei teen cohort for an engaging learning session and discussion based on the themes of the season. 


Kids' Ne'ilah | We encourage families to join us for a special Kids’ Ne’ilah service before the conclusion of Yom Kippur! Songs, Jonah and the Inflatable Whale, and more! Our entire community comes together as our children proceed to the bimah with electric candles, and we all join together for Havdalah and the final Shofar blast with Cantor Rachel Rosenberg, Jonathan Miller, and Rabbi David Minkus as our children proceed to the bimah with electric candles! 

Guest Tickets

We will not be mailing physical tickets this year. Keep an eye on your emails to find out more about our updated entry process.

Relatives and friends who are not members of CRZ are welcome to join us! Guest tickets are $150 for relatives and $225 for friends. If guests decide to become members, these amounts will be credited toward their 2024 Terumah contribution. Please order guest tickets here by September 1.


*Financial commitments for 2023 must be paid in full, as well as any other outstanding debts to the synagogue, before your High Holy Day tickets will be made available to you.

Enduring Memorials

The memory of your beloved departed is well honored by a charitable act, such as a contribution in support of Congregation Rodfei Zedek’s educational and religious programs.    Please consider one of the following Memorial choices available to you.  

Memorial Plaques    Perpetuate the memory of your departed loved ones by purchasing plaques in their memory. These simple, elegant plaques are displayed chronologically by yahrzeit month on the beautiful memorial wall overlooking the Mandelbaum Atrium. Each one includes the name of the departed as well as his/her yahrzeit dates according to both the secular and Hebrew calendars. Yahrzeits are also maintained in our records so that the families are notified of the date every year. The yahrzeit is also announced from the bimah at the Shabbat service immediately preceding the yahrzeit date and on the actual day during our morning minyan.  At both Shabbat services and the yahrzeit, the congregation says Kaddish, the memorial prayer, with you or on your behalf.  Each name also appears in the annual Book of Life which is distributed at Yizkor services throughout the year. beginning with Yom Kippur.  The cost of a memorial plaque is $600. 

Permanent Inscription     Permanent inscriptions in the congregation’s Book of Life, without the purchase of a memorial plaque, can be arranged for a contribution of $180.

Annual Listing     An annual listing in the Book of Life, for one year, is provided for a contribution of $36 per name per year. Renewals must be submitted to the congregation’s office each year.


Please fill out this order form if you with to memorialize your beloved departed in this way.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784